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Writer's pictureNivin Rose Jose

Invest in the architect in you - Why, When and How?

I was one of the studious kind, in college. The type that puts in an extra hour to bring her best. Well, its five years. Might as well put in my best, so that once I am out of here, I have an added advantage. Yeah, as if!

Stepping into the arena of architectural practice was like a boot camp for life in general, like you think you know it all, until you don't. At least with all the conversation now going around, we know that they don't prepare you for the little nuances of business, and running a firm of your own.

But the past is in the past and we always have now. Here are few skills to invest in the architect you are becoming!

Building a practice > Design, Architecture and Buttersheets

A career almost always begins with technical skills and time management. Your next stop would be to update yourself with advancements in your skills and eventually be able to command a team. But what comes after that?

Climbing up the ladder, entails you to be both a knowledgeable person but also a decisive leader, one who is able to take a call and take its responsibility up. You wouldn't be sitting at your desk, sketching all through the day, but providing a systematic, thriving and creative environment for your team who would be sketching all day.

How do you do that?

This is your cue to take up more than engineering lessons and detailing from your mentors. A new learning curve begins now!

An architect handling it all
An architect handling it all

Investing in more than architecture - A cheatsheet

They say there are no shortcuts to growth, but there is definitely borrowed information! Sit back and take an insightful walk with me, as we glide through my experiences as a practicing architect.

Lesson #1 - Communication is key

Your ideas and creativity are not worth much, if you cannot communicate it right. It might sound like I'm stating the obvious, but surprisingly many aren't exactly prepared for it. Working on your speech, vocabulary and tonality is best learned early on, but you are never too late. Grab a trusty, non judgy coworker and run your presentations through them and work on feedback. Tweak your presentations to suit your clientele and always, always, work on a crude narrative before you start placing your plans and isometries. And if you are here, reading this, you are already one step closer. Brava!

Lesson #2 - Create a web..... of networks

This is a tough one for me, but a very spontaneous decision to start my practice in the booming architecture scene of Kozhikode, made things a tad bit easier. Networking start with showing up. If there is an promotional event of a premium plywood event, show up. There is a talk series happening at a nearby venue, show up. Visibility and being merely aware of the events around you is your first step. Start with meeting at least two new people at every event you go to, and voila! before you realize, you are an insider. Being part of a community makes the job a whole lot easier and fruitful. Create an online presence too - and be consistent.

Start with meeting at least two new people at every event you go to, and voila! before you realize, you are an insider.

Lesson #3 - Organizational tools - You will need a spreadsheet sooner or later

Another fact that they don't tell you, is that you would be using spreadsheets and ChatGpt a li'l more than you expect, so they are definitely worth investing in. There are a plethora of free courses available on YouTube as well as certificate courses on Udemy and Coursera among many, that take you through the process systematically. Stay up to date on newer more efficient softwares like Notion to organize your tasks as well as your team mates.

Lesson #4 - Finance and Legal - a non-negotiable

Finance and Legal are best left to experts. Why take the hassle when there are many affordable and experienced consultancies available locally? Always let an expert take care of your taxes, accounts and contracts, even at the very beginning of your independent company. You will thank yourself later.

Lesson #5 - Choose the right mentor.

We all need someone to look up to. No AI can replace the real human experience. Find yourself the right mentors within the architecture fraternity to bounce of your ideas. Their advice is worth years of trial and errors, and there is no reason why you should miss out on them.

On a final note, breath!

Running a firm is no child's game. You are allowed to make mistakes. Be a li'l kind to yourself and take things slow and systematically, and in no time, you will have made it.

Bonne Chance!

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