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Darsan Babu

Processes Unheard - Bizarre strategies for creative thinking.

Updated: Feb 9

In the perpetual quest for inventive problem-solving and out-of-the-box ideas, the pursuit of the coveted Eureka moment becomes both thrilling and essential. Yet, in a world where creativity is revered and innovative solutions quickly become outdated, staying two steps ahead is the key to success.

Everyone knows the fun part is the Eureka moment! The moment where you strike gold and come up with the vaccine formula or even sometimes how the roof fits the floor. 

Well in any case, In a world where creativity is God and creative solutions are outdated every passing second, the key is to be 2 steps ahead in the game. Because finding an innovative idea that just fits doesn't cut it anymore, that was just the first step. The second one is arriving at that solution without second guessing and heading straight to the end of the tunnel. Bang on.

The Basics

To begin with, lets try to fundamentally understand how ideas could come from.

  1. From one's own imagination. Original / self generated ideas - activities like meditation etc could help in this

  2. From outside oneself. Walking around the park or talking to people could give inspiration to discover or create an idea

  3. A combination of both. A drawn inspiration from the outside, combined with your knowledge on the subject, you create something else.

Many discoveries and inventions were accidents. Stumbled on to it.

But surely all of us would've tried at least a couple of these. Even if you're lazy enough to not go for a walk, you would've taken a nap on it for sure! For the idea’s sake, yeah we get it.

What if I tell you that we've found some sure shot methods to finding your own pile of gold?

The Strategy for Creativity

Reverse visualizing

Imagine you've found the missing link that you've been trying so hard to connect. Skip a step in the hunt and manifest that you've already achieved ‘IT’. Now picture how every aspect of that idea is received within your colleagues or viewers. How the reaction of those elements of your design are in your community. 

It's basically an arithmetic method of guessing what the question could be, knowing the hints and some of the answers. Your colleagues applauding the circulation through your design and how the form responds to the nature of the site would surely twitch up some of your drowsy nerve cells.

Brainstorm word jumble

Start with Brainstorming your way with random words on a sheet of paper in any random order, anywhere in the sheet. With no bounds of composition or alignment. Ain't that hard. Next, When a word strikes interest, circle it. Keep it going, when another one strikes, connect the two. Keep it going until you're out of words and you've got a structure for the solution you need to find. 

It's probably easy pickings from there. Write the connected words in another sheet of paper. Jumble it in different ways and you've found your structure. 

Synthesia Exploration

Now this is more of a sensory method to get straight into your design, without the use of your vision. Imagine how the solution to your problem might sound or feel. 

How your courtyard would chime to the sound of rain or a gentle gust of wind

How your textured plains would respond to the elements and human touch.

Explore the possibilities of sensory synesthesia through this exercise and you're sure to not miss out on your big break.

Can't say what might work. Maybe not thinking about the problem at all, and next time an inspiration strikes, you forget the framework you were trapped in, restricted by your imagination and you get a new strand of thought from outside.

Or you keep thinking long enough that something strikes a chord and you just join the dots.

Happy Brainstorming!

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Great beginning.. keep going...

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