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Writer's picturedarsantaa

The Elusive Art of Creativity : Why It Can't Be Taught but Must Be Lived

Jimi Hendrix once said he knew the mechanics of how a guitar worked, and when he played, he just let it flow. That’s the essence of creativity, isn’t it? It’s knowing the rules, mastering the tools, and then letting go, allowing your mind to take the lead. Creativity, especially in architecture, isn’t something you can force or neatly package into a lesson plan. It’s an organic process, a journey that stems from within.

Why True Creativity Comes from Within, Not a Classroom

Students in class
Student sitting in class in his own thoughts

One of the most frustrating things I’ve encountered in my academic journey is the notion that creativity can be taught like a formula—plug in the variables, and out comes a masterpiece. If only it were that simple. Sure, you can teach someone how to draw, how to paint, and how to craft a technically sound building. But what to draw, what to paint, what to create? That’s a different story altogether. That’s where creativity comes into play, and that’s something that can’t be spoon-fed.

The Organic Flow of Creativity: Learning to Trust Your Inner Voice

I vividly remember a semester when we were tasked with creating a poster for our dissertation topics. A panel of teachers, some of whose opinions I didn’t particularly respect, sat there evaluating our work. Fifty students, and fifty unique perspectives, all boiled down to a grade. It was as if creativity could be measured on a scale, judged by someone else’s standards. But how can you quantify something so deeply personal, so inherently subjective? Art can’t be taught—at least, not in the way many think. The principles, sure, they can be explained, but the creative spark? That’s something no classroom can provide.

An artist painting
An artist painting on canvas with a vibrant colour palette

It’s like trying to teach a toddler right from wrong by scolding them when they make a mistake. They don’t understand the nuances, or the why behind it. They’re just following orders. Similarly, when we try to force creativity into a box, we’re stripping away its essence. Creativity in architecture should stem from a deep understanding of the technical aspects, yes, but it should flow naturally, unforced, through channels that are as organic as the process itself.

Beyond Techniques: How Creativity Thrives in Freedom

Poster of movie stars on earth
The movie perfectly portrays how creativity and imagination is born out of ones own mind and how a great teacher can bring that out.

Think of the movie Taare Zameen Par. There’s a scene where Ishaan, a young boy who struggles with conventional learning, blows everyone away with a painting that bursts with colors and imagination. Aamir Khan’s character didn’t teach him how to paint, didn’t give him step-by-step instructions. Instead, he nurtured Ishaan’s innate creativity, giving it room to breathe, to flourish. That’s what creativity needs—freedom. It’s not about copying what’s been done before; it’s about exploring new possibilities, taking risks, and, most importantly, staying true to your own vision.

This is why I’ve always been skeptical of those singing reality shows in India where contestants are encouraged to mimic the original artists to the last note. Sure, it might be technically impressive, but where’s the creativity in that? It’s the shows that promote original tracks or unique interpretations that really capture the essence of music as an art form. They allow artists to bring something new to the table, to express themselves in a way that’s authentic and true to their own voice.

From Technical Mastery to Creative Expression: A Personal Journey

At the end of the day, creativity isn’t something that can be neatly packaged and taught in a classroom. It’s a deeply personal journey, one that’s influenced by our experiences, our mentors, and most importantly, our imagination. A good mentor can guide you, sure, but they can’t tell you what to create. That direction has to come from within.

As Hendrix once said, "Imagination is the key to my lyrics. The rest is painted with a little science fiction." That’s the beauty of creativity—it’s part knowledge, part imagination, and all heart. The most beautiful creations are those that come from within, unfiltered and unforced.

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